

iPhone 6 cable Shots: including the Home button / sensor

French site Nowhereelse.fr recent succession Logout some 4.7 inches and 5.5 inches iPhone 6 HD component cable photographs, now that the website has exposed a group suspected of two iPhone home button 6 and some sensors cable photographs, together we look.
Suspected iPhone Home button cable 6
Photo shows two iPhone 6 Home button cable design is somewhat different, and each row line Square Touch ID sensor with iPhone 5s are also different. Despite rumors of a new version of iPad will increase Touch ID feature, but this is obviously more likely to be components according to the iPhone 6.
Suspected iPhone 6 ambient light / proximity sensor and microphone cable
Another photo shows the ambient light / proximity sensor and microphone cable. Comparison with the iPhone 5s seems, iPhone 5s cable included 一枚 Facetime camera, but this cable 6 suspected iPhone not included.

With the iPhone 6 will be released 9 time approaching, we may also see more photos of the internal components, in particular 5.5-inch models will be mass production in the coming months. Currently information display, 4.7 inches iPhone 6 already in mass production.

Rumors Apple will offer 4.7 inches September iPhone 6,5.5 inch version to be postponed until the end of this year or next year will be listed.

